Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day Oreo Chicken

This Valentine's, I was fortunate to experience a number of exciting new things, such as drinking a stranger's home-made red wine out of an old whiskey bottle, forcing several men to listen to an in-depth discussion of menstruation, and making Baked Oreo Chicken. Of these things, the chicken is the only one I can really share, and so I will.

Inspired by SMBC:

Valentine's Day Chicken.

12 oreo cookies
1-2 eggs
5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
a dash of milk

First, break in to your date's brother's house, only to discover that his brother's wife is still at home knitting on the sofa. Discuss British Real-Estate shows together over several glasses of wine and eat appropriately miss-themed V-Day Easter Egg Chocolates until your significant other arrives.
Next, stand in the kitchen looking dubiously at the momentous task awaiting you. Point out that there are only 2 other people on the internet who have attempted Oreo-Coated Chicken before.

Finally, place your Oreos in a blender and crush until reduced to a fine powder. Pour Oreo crumbs in shallow dish. Heat oil in frying pan. Meanwhile, mix milk and eggs together. Dip chicken breasts in egg and milk mixture, then roll in cookie crumbs.

Brown chicken in frying pan, turning as little as possible to avoid losing the 'breading'.

Place chicken in baking dish, top with an unspecified amount of margarine. Cover and bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes. When chicken is cooked through, serve on a bed of minute rice with red wine of a questionable origin. Enjoy.

But how was it?
Before going 'vegetarian', I spent about a decade of my life having a love-affair with chicken. So maybe it was just my joy at once again consuming the steroid-enhanced chest of a dead bird carcass (cooked to perfection), or the fact that I had enjoyed at least one glass of wine of questionable origin before hand, but I must say, the chicken was fabulous.

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