Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sometimes you just have to wait until your boss skips the country

Every once in a while, someone casually asks me why I stopped blogging, and if I'll ever start again. I find this both endearing and shocking, since I generally assumed no one was reading anyway (unless of course it's my mom saying this; she even sent my blog posts to my brother sometimes, like a truly devoted fan. Thanks, mom.).

The reason I usually give for putting the blog on hold is somewhat vague, but I was reflecting on it today and I realized there were actually some very specific reasons I stopped. One, I was extremely dissatisfied with my life, so dissatisfied that I no longer saw the humour in the situation and was in danger of turning my blog into an outlet for whining only (also, life got a lot less exciting after I graduated from university), and two, one of my many bosses (for I always held several jobs) mentioned to me that he'd come across my blog and appreciated that I avoided saying anything mean about the company in it. Apparently he'd missed the quiet edge of desperation that slipped into my voice (or so I thought) whenever I wrote about any of my current occupations. Clearly this meant I was not as good a writer as I thought I was, but also I'd better watch that I not get any better at it, at least until I quit all my jobs and any bosses I'd had moved (ideally to distant cities), all of which actually happened a few years ago (no really, they skipped the country, at least all the ones I was still keeping tabs on (see below)).

Then I continued to not write the blog, and instead concentrated on using Facebook to nose into the lives of other people, mainly ex-bosses and vague acquaintances I had met in distant countries years ago and no longer had any meaningful connections with. When I began to feel like too much of a stalker for my own good (and realized that Facebook itself had the power to be an even worse stalker than I was), I decided it was time to cut myself off.

It occurred to me at this point that I should probably resurrect my blog so that people could still keep track of me, but then immediately after that it occurred to me even more that this would defeat the whole purpose of deleting myself from Facebook on account of having willingly offered up way too much personal information to the internet to really be good for me. Yet, here we are.