Friday, February 4, 2011

Talk About the Weather

When the most exciting thing happening to me is the weather and homework assignments*, I usually don't bother putting it on the internet. Who wants to read 2 weeks of posts in the vein of "oh God it's cold it's... cold it's cold... oh it's not too bad today...Wow it is GORGEOUS out, now it's cold. Now it's FREEZING. Oh, my poor wind-burned skin. Here, I'll show you pictures"?

But anyways. On to the weather. Wow it is GORGEOUS out today. Or at least it was, at 8 o'clock this morning, when I was meandering home from the gym, carefully picking my way through icy puddles and treacherous ice islands. As I was making a particularly extravagant leap across several puddles, my strong footing gave way and I found myself doing the notably ungraceful splits right in the middle of a mixture of sand, car oil, and icewater run-off, in the middle of Sargeant Ave. I picked myself up off the street, boots and jacket-sleeves filling with water, and looked around for the lucky bystanders, sure that my misfortune had been someone else joy, expecting some applause or at least a smirk of acknowledgement from a considerably dryer passer-by. However, the other pedestrians continued on their way as though nothing at all had happened. What is the world coming to?

*I'm not being sarcastic here. You should hear about my Gertrude Stein end-of-term project. If I actually manage to figure out how to make a book squirt water (and/or ink, if I'm feeling sadistic) at unsuspecting readers, you'll be treated to several posts entirely about homework, I'm sure.

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