Tuesday, March 8, 2011


UW has incredibly generously* granted us Conference-goers money to get to the conference, and are even paying for our registrations. Of course, with the lack of communication between departments, it will be a wonder if I ever get the money for registration.

Dr. M: The cheque they're giving you for the conference doesn't include registration money, but I've arranged for you to get it out of petty cash. We just need to wait for Dr. C to sign to forms, then talk to J.

J: Dr. C has not signed the forms. Come back later.

Dr. C: The forms? I signed them this morning. Why are you talking to me? Dr. M is in charge of this.

J: So now I have magically produced the form that Dr. C signed...some time...somewhere. Just take it down to Finance and they'll give you the cash.

Finance: Where's your receipt?

Me: Oh I haven't paid for it yet. We're paying for it with the petty cash you're going to give us.

Finance: You need a receipt.

Me: Oh alright well then...do you think they give receipts at conference? I'm just going to pay at the door.

Finance: When you pay online they'll mail you one. Then you can come get your cash.

Me: But they said if I give you this form...

Finance: but I can't just give you money. I need a receipt. Why does no one understand this?

Well, then. I guess the worst that could happen is that the UWFA goes on strike, the world falls to shambles, and I don't get my $30 back. Very small price to pay, considering how much it's going to cost the university in painkillers to cover up the splitting headache they'll be dealing with anyway.

*and no, this is not sarcasm. They really have been quite helpful about it.

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