Monday, August 8, 2011

oh, what, this again?

Now that I'm trying to write more regularly again, I can't help but notice that I'm failing miserably. So now I must revert to the age-old excuse that my life is too boring to write about. Want to hear about my bike-ride home in the rain today? Neither do I. It was marvelous, but that's besides the point. So read this post and pretend that I'm saying something of substance here. Something profound. Something hilarious. Something that actually exists.


  1. As always, I am stunned and left awestruck at the depth of your insights into life. Thank you, Amy, for profoundly moving my day and making it worth something beyond simply reading and editing reports about hydroelectric generating stations on the Nelson River.

    Your sincerely insincere fan,
    Elise Neufeld
