Sunday, November 28, 2010

Types of customers

I've worked in many different bakeries over the years, and, generally speaking, there are very few rude customers at bakeries. Something about being surrounded by sugar and chocolate tends to put people in a good mood, I guess. However, there are still several types or really annoying customers I've come across over the years. They come in when you're ridiculously busy, and stand in the middle of the bakery, dumbstruck by the sheer variety of food on display. All logic and reason escapes them. They become customers like these:

When I come across customers like these, I always vow to never become one myself. I assume that surely, when I go into a store, I will manage to keep my wits about me. Surely I will be able to grasp basic concepts of math, reading, and visual observation. Sadly, this is not so. Being a customer is like having a disease. No matter how witty, bright, intelligent, and helpful I was before I entered the store, as soon as I pass through the front doors of a shop, I am reduced to a useless, slobbering mass of confusion and indecision.

1 comment:

  1. I know! You vow not to be the stupid customer, but then you find yourself in a store, asking the obvious. I try to mitigate my annoyingness by at least being aware of it and apologizing for my need to ask really dumb questions. I can only hope it helps.
