Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ugly Cat goes to a better place

One of the more popular blog posts I've written was about Capu, the ugly, snotty, half-bald, flea-ridden, wheezing, sneezing, skin-flake-coated 12-year-old cat who spends most of his time rubbing his nose against the furniture and bare legs of anyone who happens to be in the house. In the past year or so, I've mentioned this cat more than my boyfriend (as evidenced here, here and here), mostly because my boyfriend is less likely to wipe his nose on the back of my hand (a character trait that I really appreciate, but which isn't all that blogworthy...I think...).

However, for all that I complain about Capu a lot and insult him on a daily basis, it is with great sadness that I must announce he passed away this weekend.

Death announcements seem a bit out of place for what is usually a humor blog, but, considering Capu is one of my main guests on this little show, it would be a bit strange to skip the sad bit and replace him with anecdotes about his slightly more normal brother.

I may have to start blogging about the Ghost of Capus Past instead; I'm sure clouds of black hair and whiskers will be haunting us for years to come anyway. The other day, I opened my binder in an Honours English class and a cat claw fell out of it and landed in my lap. I don't think anyone noticed except for me, though.

How does one honour the memory of a house cat anyway? My brother suggested peeing on a black plastic garbage bag (one of Capu's favourite and more unappealing pasttimes), and I challenged him to wipe his nose on a stranger's face. Aside from that, or looking at photos (or having a funeral, I suppose, though a funeral would be a pretty foreign concept to the cat the funeral is for), there's not a whole lot you can really do, is there?

Well, readers, what about you? What do you do when a pet dies?

1 comment:

  1. My sympathies on the loss of your cat. Funny how even when they're annoying, you still miss them when they're gone.
