Friday, March 30, 2012

My Life has Reached its Pinnacle

You know you're a pop culture nerd when your greatest achievement* of the year is figuring out how to incorporate Texts from Last Night into a critical theory paper. And then you expect other people to be as excited about it as you are, instead of giving you that look that says, "Ah, yes, so you've discovered a way to write a paper entirely comprised of BS. Well done."

On the contrary, I take my work very seriously. But who wouldn't get excited when you switch from quoting Lacan and Derrida to putting things like this in your research essay:

“Bob the builder, bob the uilder bob the builder bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbbiotch!pp!!!! (sic)”

No seriously, it's a study of the fragmented nature of the postmodern lifestyle as exemplified through the user-generated content of North American 20-somethings.

Butanyway, that's why I haven't been following regular blogging schedules. Only 2 classes left in my undergrad degree. Whew.

*Aside from speaking at a Pop Culture Conference...and being a presenter at a lunch time speaker series on Comic Books, I mean.

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