The bitch who beat us was from Balmoral Hall, and about 2 weeks later (after I had quit debate club) I ran into her in a McDonalds while wearing cat ears made of sparkly blue faux fur I had bought at a dollar store, and for some reason this did not make me appear any more competent in her eyes.
That experience has taught me that one must always define one's terms. But apparently no one ever told my boyfriend this, which led to the following conversation.
C: You left your black-and-white striped shirt at my place. I will return it to you.
I thought this was rather unlikely, I am quite sure I always leave his house with my shirt still on.
Me: A black-and-white striped shirt.
Nope, definitely don't have one of those. Can you describe it?
C: It's either a black shirt with white stripes or a white shirt with black stripes.
Me: maybe I've misunderstood. Think, Amy, think. It's a shirt with stripes. Do you have anything that could be misconstrued as a shirt with stripes?
Nope, none of those are mine. Are you sure it's mine?
C: Yes, because it's too small to be mine.
Me: Hm...a small black-and-white striped shirt.
Nope, definitely not mine. Maybe it belongs to your ex girlfriend.
C: Ex girlfriend? What ex-girlfriend? I only have eyes for you.
I knew that C was about to bring me his ex-girlfriend's shirt, and while I was new to the dating world, I was pretty sure this was a fairly big faux pas. I was excited. I was about to get a free shirt and an opportunity to chastise C for his bad behaviour. I hoped his ex was fashionable, with a 27" waist and 42" hips. We could be friends.
And then, C introduced a vital piece of information that made my hopes and dreams of wearing another woman's adorable black-and-white striped shirt dissolve into a puddle of understanding. He said the word 'sweater'. I realized that he was not talking about a black-and-white striped shirt. He was talking about the black sweater with white trim I had been missing for a week.
To put it in other words, a black-and-white striped horse:
is not the same as a black horse with white 'trim':
and a black and white striped car:
is not the same as a black car with white trim:
Feeling cheated out of my opportunity for a new shirt and the opportunity to play the part of the underappreciated, wounded girlfriend, I corrected C of his error in the hopes that I would never have to see the possibility of a new shirt disappear before my very eyes like that again, and went to bed
As I was reading this I started laughing so hard that my husband tore himself away from conquering 1700's Europe to come downstairs and see what was so funny.