One of the dangers of returning from abroad is you* never know what you'll* remember about how life was before you* left. For instance, it appears that my memories of how life was in, say, January, have trumped the memories of how life was in May when I left. For instance, I remember having specific drawers in which I kept specific articles of clothing, but it appears closer to the end of April I began employing the "mix all the dirty and clean laundry together, pile it on top of the dresser/rocking chair/desk and let the fates decide if you get to work looking clean and pressed or like something that crawled out of the gutter" approach to sorting laundry.
I also remember keeping a rather meticulous filing system. Upon going through said files it seems the system only remained meticulous until about March, when I began adopting the "choose three records at random and throw them out, choose one thing to tack to the bulletin board (choose the honored bulletin item based on how important the envelope looks, not on how important the contents is, and for God's sake don't bother actually opening it to check), then shove everything else onto the desk that you'll be piling your clothes on top of in April" filing system.
And, of course, the general rule of thumb became "make sure everything you shove in here will resurface, save for the one item you really need". I wonder if my bank takes blog posts as statements of account?
*That's what I call the royal "you" meaning, in fact, I.
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