Wednesday, October 5, 2011

39 Hours in Halifax. Thank God for Quick-Dry Trousers.

Last weekend, I found myself in Halifax, doing the Orange Dance* to 90's dance hits in my stockinged feet. How did I get there? It was a wedding, of course.

I love weddings! Once you get over the hurdle of the Awkwardly Long Speeches**, weddings are all cake, dancing, eating, and comparing blisters with the bridesmaids: all fun activities. And so while I may not fly thousands of miles cross country for Christmas or Spring Break or to watch the jellyfish come out in spring time, I will definitely rearrange my entire life so I can spend less than 2 days total in this small, water-logged city, provided there is a wedding involved.

Unsurprisingly, it rained for 35 of the 39 hours I spent in Halifax. Most of these hours were spent traveling back and fourth between venues and being betrayed by my faulty memory of bus routes. This is because I managed to forget my gift at the hotel, and the giftbag and card that went with said gift on my bed in Winnipeg. Or so I thought.

If it hadn't been for my mother, who has an endless stockpile of emergency greeting cards, I wouldn't have thought of bringing a card at all. I just don't think of greeting cards as being an essential gift item. Clearly I was raised by housecats, though, because as all humans know, one cannot arrive at a wedding without a card. So I took advantage of my mom's brimming hospitality allowed my mom to force a card upon me, filled it out with the hilarious story of the time I almost didn't bring this card to the wedding, and then packed up and flew to Halifax.

Once in Halifax, I found that my generic wedding card full of hilarity had disappeared. Although less than 6 hours before this I had scoffed at the idea of cards, I now had my heart set on sending off my soon-to-be-married friend with a hilarious anecdotal card. So then I had to go to a gift shop and find a card and fill it in with the hilarious story of the time my mom made me bring this card to the wedding and then I forgot it in Winnipeg and I had to bring them a new card and here it is (I've been over my inability to write cards that aren't about cards, right?).

I showed up at the wedding, card in hand, only to realize that the present was back at the hotel. Luckily, there was a 3 hour window between ceremony and reception, which was the perfect amount of time to walk through a rainstorm***, curse the day I decided high heels were a good idea, decide to catch the bus, realize I didn't have change for bus fare, decide to catch a cab instead, realize I couldn't bring myself to spend that much on cab fare, buy a stick of gum, use the change to catch said bus, get to the hotel, change my shoes, leave without my present or card, run back to get the present, forget the card, run back to get the card, suddenly find the original Winnipeg card was in my purse the entire time, decide that this meant the happy couple deserved two cards, shove both cards in my gift bag, and then catch a bus that took me, not back to the boat club where the reception was taking place, but to Sackville. Needless to say, I ended up at the reception late.

*No, this isn't some sort of NDP-inspired political dance move. Although it would be pretty hilarious if it was.
**This wedding actually won the award for Shortest Wedding Speeches Ever Made. I approve.
***Turns out my fancy-dress trousers are also Will Keep Dry Even After Being Marched Through a 3-hour Rain Storm trousers. I didn't even know!

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