I often dream of the time when I become a famous novelist who lives entirely off of her earnings from creative endeavours*, and how I will have an amazing assistant whose life is made better simply by being in mine.
The general dream is that this assistant will be exactly like me except bad at writing, so that she won't pull an Eve Harrington on me (don't worry if you don't get this reference; my assistant will explain it to you!). I would pay her an exceptionally high salary for an assistant, which would make her like me, and would allow her to borrow outfits from my lavishly stylish closet whenever she chooses, which would make her love me, and she would constantly be telling people what a great employer I am. In exchange, she would be really good at all the things I am not good at, such as making coffee, cooking omelettes that remain in omelette form, finding good music to write to, preventing me from writing in marking pen all over my body, walking in high-heeled shoes without having ankle pain (a tip she'd pass on to me, of course) and understanding how twitter works.